There are a wide variety of factors that go into constructing the best Ready Plan for you and your family. The survey below is designed to help our support and mentor team understand some of the nuances of your situation to help you put together all the elements you need!

We will use your email address below to send you a copy of your Ready Plan Workbook that explains all the considerations and provides you with the Ready Plan worksheets. We will also send you some sample Ready Plans based on your location and the conditions you select below.

Welcome to your MyReadyPlan Questionaire

What is your home region?

What is your current living situation?

What are the top three threats you are worried about?

Check all that apply

How many members in your household

Do any household members require special considerations?

Special Considerations may cover a wide range of issues. Check YES if any members of your household are young children, elderly, are dependent upon life sustaining equipment or medication, have difficulty moving freely...anything that you think may make it more difficult to plan for, survive, and recover from an emergency.

Do you have any pets or other animals to consider?

Do you have your own vehicle?

Do you have a job or other commitment that might limit your options?

Your Best Email Address
Your First Name