medical bag
What’s in your medical bag?

When sickness or injury happens, it’s almost too easy to go to the nearest ER or urgent care center. But how many times have you walked away from one of those places saying to yourself, “I could have done that…”?

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family emergency planning
How to create a PACE plan

Imagine cell and internet going down and you have no way to contact your loved ones. What would you do?

Having a plan to communicate with family members or team members when infrastructure goes down is a great way to provide peace of mind, considering the threats we face today. A plan can also reduce the amount of stress we experience during these types of outages.

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Staying warm in the winter!

The wind is shaking the windows and howling through the fireplace. You look outside and it is not inviting. The chatter in the house is restless and you want everyone to feel safe and warm regardless of the mayhem outside.

The West Coast is getting snow and the weather patterns are heading to the heartland. Anyone in the East is already well aware that when it snows – it snows hard. Even the southwest is experiencing cold weather. We are well past the “winter is coming” phase – it is here, regardless of what the calendar says.

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roof leak
What are the risk factors of a winter roof leak?

As winter settles in, the last thing any homeowner wants is a leaky roof. The combination of harsh weather conditions and potential damage can turn a simple issue into a major headache. In this blog post, we’ll explore the common causes of winter roof leaks, ways to prevent them, and what to do if you find yourself facing this unwelcome situation. We’ll also provide a list of essential supplies for temporary fixes and important safety tips for any DIY roof work. Let’s dive in!

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Non-Lethal Defense Options for Survival Situations

A Post-Apocalyptic World Needs Laughter, Not Casualties!”

Picture this: you’re hunkered down, waiting out an emergency response situation that has turned your quiet suburban neighborhood into a scene from “The Walking Dead.” But you’re not worried about zombies. No, your concern is more grounded in reality – intruders. What you need are non-lethal defense options that will ensure your safety while keeping the body count at zero. And let’s face it, we’re not all Bruce Lee or Lara Croft. So, let’s dive into some semi-serious, semi-hilarious, but wholly practical methods of non-lethal defense.

  1. The Trusty Stun Gun: A classic non-lethal option, stun guns deliver a high-voltage, low-amperage shock, resulting in temporary immobilization. Remember, though, stun guns require you to be up-close and personal, so maybe practice your ninja moves in your spare time.
  2. Pepper Spray: Dinner Seasoning Turned Defense Tool: A staple in many women’s purses, pepper spray is a potent, pocket-sized protector. Just ensure you’re upwind when you deploy it, or the joke’s on you.
  3. Tactical Flashlight: Your Shining Knight: These aren’t your ordinary flashlights. They’re extremely bright, temporarily blinding anyone on the receiving end. Some even come with a built-in stun gun or a beveled edge for striking. It’s like a Swiss Army Knife, but flashier.
  4. The Personal Alarm: Your Screaming Sidekick: These little devices emit a high-pitched siren that can disorient an attacker and attract attention. They’re like carrying around your own personal banshee.
  5. The Slingshot: A Trip Down Memory Lane: Don’t laugh, a well-aimed stone from a slingshot can be an effective deterrent. Bonus points if you can nail the classic “Dennis the Menace” smirk while you’re at it.
  6. High-Decibel Whistles: The Sound of Safety: This one’s for all the musicians out there. A loud, ear-piercing whistlepiercing whistle can disorient an attacker and alert others. Who knew your band camp days would come in handy during a readiness situation?
  7. The Walking Stick: The Ultimate Multi-tasker: A good walking stick can help you navigate rough terrain, poke around for danger, and provide a means of self-defense. It’s like your loyal canine companion, but less furry and more wooden.
  8. Wasp Spray: A Sting Operation: It sprays up to 20 feet and causes intense eye pain and temporary blindness. Just remember, this is a last resort option. We’re not condoning the casual use of insecticides on humans.
  9. The Power of Words: Your Ultimate Weapon: Communication can often deescalate a situation before it turns violent. A well-placed compliment or an unexpected joke can throw an aggressor off balance. “Nice mask, it really brings out the color of your… crowbar?”

In the end, preparedness is about more than just “being ready.” It’s about retaining our humanity, our empathy, and yes, even our sense of humor, in the face of adversity. So, arm yourself with knowledge, a dash of wit, and these non-lethal defense options, because the best preparedness tool is the one that keeps you and those around you safe without resorting to lethal force.

What is Mental Resilience?

Restoring – is a necessary part of everyone’s ready planThat can mean more than simply restocking supplies and recovering after events. It might also involve restoring your mental wellbeing.

Mental health treatment is a “reactive” approach where mental resilience is a “proactive” approach to not just avoiding mental health issues but in living a much fuller and happier life! Mental resilience is about a person’s mindset, their current frame of reference for themselves and the world around them, involving self-efficacy, self-reliance, self-esteem, self-image, and stems from a growth mindset and positive psychology approach to life and living and not a victim mentality (which is the antithesis of the disease model).

I wanted to share this part of my reply with everyone, as THIS needs to be better understood.  Mental Resilience is NOT just about Mental Health!  Much like fitness provides a TON more benefits than just weight loss, mental resilience training simply provides better mental health as a beneficial side-effect, NOT as the main product!

Mental Resilience is not just about being able to deal with the stress of combat or survival.  It is not just about having better focus and attention spans.  It is not just about gaining more control over your thoughts and emotions.  

Mental Resilience is MAINLY about learning just how powerful and amazing the human mind really is and how gaining better control, focus, and understanding of that power will allow you to better handle life.  Things like ~ deal with stress, handle combat and combat fatigue, keep your head in a survival situation, control your emotions at work and with family or loved ones, and on and on.  

HOWEVER … much like people only think of either weight loss or strength when lifting, and not the other 100 benefits to mind, body, and life, Mental Resilience also provides much more than “damage control.”  

Mental Resilience Training allows you to ~ learn to enjoy the moments and the little things more, learn to stop judging you and others around you, provides a more open mind and understanding of you and the world around you, creates more critical and independent thinking, reduces biases and prejudices … it improves sleep, increases a sense of overall wellbeing, improves your sex life, improves your mental and physical health, reduces your risk to a multitude of chronic illnesses and diseases … it helps to make you a more compassionate mother, father, or spouse, it helps you to better “love thy neighbor,” it helps to create more empathy and understanding for others as it does the same for yourself.  

This list could go on and on about all the aspects of your life, as Mental Resilience Training is about learning how to turn off the auto-pilot that people live on (90-95% of your day is simply conditioned subconscious and unconscious automatic routines) and LEARNING how to unprogram and reprogram (thank you neuroplasticity) … HOW YOU WANT TO LIVE!  

As my business cards say … Mental Resilience Training is “Mental Remodeling” for the mind, body, and soul 🙂

Illegitimi non Carborundum!

Surviving the Great Outdoors: Essential Wilderness Survival Techniques

Having essential outdoor skills is paramount for anyone venturing into the wilderness. By understanding the basics of wilderness survival, including navigation, fire building, shelter construction, and foraging for food, individuals can increase their chances of staying safe and thriving in the great outdoors. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of essential outdoor skills for wilderness survival, offer guidance on navigation, fire building, shelter construction, and foraging for food, and provide tips for staying safe, avoiding hazards, and preparing for outdoor adventures.

  1. Overview of essential outdoor skills for wilderness survival:

Mastering essential outdoor skills is the foundation of wilderness survival. Consider the following skills:

  • Navigation: Learn how to read maps, use a compass, and navigate using natural landmarks. Understanding basic orienteering techniques will help you find your way and prevent getting lost in the wilderness.
  • Fire building: Master the art of building a fire using various techniques, such as the bow drill, flint and steel, or fire starters. Knowing how to source and prepare firewood, as well as the principles of fire safety, is crucial for warmth, cooking, and signaling for help.
  • Shelter construction: Learn how to construct different types of shelters using natural materials, such as debris huts, lean-tos, or tarp shelters. Understanding how to select a suitable location, build sturdy structures, and insulate them properly can provide protection from the elements.
  • Foraging for food: Familiarize yourself with edible plants, berries, nuts, and mushrooms found in your region. Learn how to identify them accurately and differentiate between safe and poisonous species. Supplement your foraging knowledge with basic hunting and fishing skills if necessary.
  1. Overview of essential outdoor skills for wilderness survival:

Mastering essential outdoor skills is the foundation of wilderness survival. Consider the following skills:

  • Navigation: Learn how to read maps, use a compass, and navigate using natural landmarks. Understanding basic orienteering techniques will help you find your way and prevent getting lost in the wilderness.
  • Fire building: Master the art of building a fire using various techniques, such as the bow drill, flint and steel, or fire starters. Knowing how to source and prepare firewood, as well as the principles of fire safety, is crucial for warmth, cooking, and signaling for help.
  • Shelter construction: Learn how to construct different types of shelters using natural materials, such as debris huts, lean-tos, or tarp shelters. Understanding how to select a suitable location, build sturdy structures, and insulate them properly can provide protection from the elements.
  • Foraging for food: Familiarize yourself with edible plants, berries, nuts, and mushrooms found in your region. Learn how to identify them accurately and differentiate between safe and poisonous species. Supplement your foraging knowledge with basic hunting and fishing skills if necessary.
  1. Tips for staying safe, avoiding hazards, and preparing for outdoor adventures:

Prioritizing safety and proper preparation is key to enjoying outdoor adventures. Consider the following tips:

  • Inform others of your plans: Share your trip details with someone reliable, including your intended route, expected duration, and emergency contact information. Check-in regularly to ensure your safety is monitored.
  • Carry essential gear: Pack appropriate clothing, footwear, and gear for the specific environment and weather conditions. Include emergency supplies such as a first aid kit, signaling devices, extra food and water, and a personal locator beacon (PLB) or satellite messenger.
  • Learn wilderness first aid: Enroll in a wilderness first aid course to learn essential medical skills and how to respond to emergencies in remote locations. Be prepared to handle common injuries and medical situations in the outdoors.
  • Respect nature and wildlife: Practice Leave No Trace principles by minimizing your impact on the environment. Respect wildlife by observing from a safe distance and avoiding actions that could harm them or their habitat.

Surviving in the great outdoors requires essential wilderness survival skills, such as navigation, fire building, shelter construction, and foraging for food. By mastering these skills, staying safe, avoiding hazards, and preparing for outdoor adventures, individuals can enhance their wilderness survival capabilities and gain confidence in their ability to thrive in nature. Remember, continuous practice, education, and respect for nature are key to becoming a skilled outdoor enthusiast.

Eyes Wide Open: Mastering Situational Awareness for Personal Safety

Mastering situational awareness is crucial for personal safety in today’s unpredictable world. By understanding the concept of situational awareness, enhancing observation skills, and staying alert to potential threats, individuals can proactively assess and respond to different situations with heightened awareness. In this blog post, we will explain the importance of situational awareness in personal safety, provide techniques for enhancing observation skills, and offer tips for assessing and responding to different situations with heightened awareness.

  1. Explanation of situational awareness and its role in personal safety:

Situational awareness is the conscious and continuous process of gathering and interpreting information about your surroundings. Its role in personal safety is multifaceted. Consider the following:

  • Recognizing potential threats: Situational awareness allows individuals to identify potential threats or hazards in their environment, including suspicious behavior, unfamiliar surroundings, or other warning signs.
  • Assessing risk levels: By maintaining situational awareness, individuals can assess the level of risk in different situations and adjust their actions accordingly, minimizing their vulnerability to harm.
  • Making informed decisions: Being aware of one’s surroundings empowers individuals to make informed decisions quickly and effectively, whether it’s choosing the safest route, avoiding confrontational situations, or seeking help when needed.
  1. Techniques for enhancing observation skills and staying alert to potential threats:

Enhancing observation skills is key to maintaining situational awareness and identifying potential threats. Consider the following techniques:

  • Mindfulness and presence: Practice being fully present in your surroundings, actively observing and absorbing details without distractions. Cultivate a mindset of curiosity and attentiveness.
  • Scan and assess: Regularly scan your environment, paying attention to people, objects, and changes in your surroundings. Assess the body language, behavior, and interactions of individuals around you.
  • Trust your intuition: Pay attention to your gut feelings and instincts. If something feels off or raises your suspicions, trust your intuition and take appropriate action to ensure your safety.
  1. Tips for assessing and responding to different situations with heightened awareness:

Assessing and responding to different situations with heightened awareness can significantly improve personal safety. Consider the following tips:

  • Plan ahead: Before entering unfamiliar environments, research and gather information about potential risks and safety measures. Develop a mental or written plan for responding to various scenarios.
  • Practice situational adaptability: Adapt your awareness to different situations, environments, and contexts. Be aware of cultural norms, local customs, and any specific risks associated with different locations.
  • Maintain a low-profile presence: Avoid drawing unnecessary attention to yourself. Dress appropriately for the environment, be mindful of your behavior, and avoid unnecessary displays of wealth or possessions.
  • Take proactive measures: Carry personal safety items, such as a whistle, pepper spray, or personal alarm, for added protection. Consider self-defense training or emergency response courses to enhance your preparedness.

Mastering situational awareness is a fundamental aspect of personal safety. By understanding the concept of situational awareness, enhancing observation skills, and staying alert to potential threats, individuals can proactively assess and respond to different situations with heightened awareness. Remember, developing situational awareness is a continuous practice that empowers individuals to protect themselves, make informed decisions, and navigate the world with confidence.

Emergency Nutrition 101: Building a Well-Stocked Pantry for Any Situation

When it comes to emergency preparedness, having a well-stocked pantry is essential. In times of crisis or unexpected situations, such as natural disasters or prolonged power outages, access to food and clean water may become limited. That’s why building an emergency pantry with non-perishable food and clean water is crucial for ensuring your family’s well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of having an adequate supply of food and water, provide guidance on building a well-rounded emergency pantry with nutritious options, and offer tips for rotating and managing food supplies to ensure freshness and readiness.

Importance of having an adequate supply of non-perishable food and clean water:

In times of emergency, access to regular food and clean water can become disrupted. That’s why having an adequate supply of non-perishable food and clean water is of utmost importance. 

  1. Food security during emergencies: Disasters can disrupt supply chains, limit access to grocery stores, or compromise food safety. By having a well-stocked pantry, you can ensure your family’s nutritional needs are met even when external resources are scarce.
  2. Essential nutrients for well-being: During emergencies, it’s important to maintain a balanced diet to support overall health. Non-perishable food items rich in protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals should be included in your emergency pantry to provide essential nutrients.
  3. Hydration and water safety: Clean drinking water is vital for survival. Storing an adequate supply of clean water in your emergency pantry ensures hydration, as well as safe water for cooking and personal hygiene, during a crisis.

Guidance on building a well-rounded emergency pantry with nutritious options:

Building a well-rounded emergency pantry involves thoughtful selection of non-perishable food items that provide adequate nutrition and can be stored long-term. 

  1. Variety of food items: Include a variety of non-perishable food items to ensure a balanced diet. This can include canned fruits and vegetables, protein sources like canned tuna or beans, whole grains such as rice or quinoa, nut butters, dried fruits, and nuts.
  2. Consider dietary restrictions: Take into account any dietary restrictions or special needs of your family members. If someone has food allergies or specific dietary requirements, ensure you have suitable alternatives available in your emergency pantry.
  3. Don’t forget the essentials: Remember to include essential items like cooking oil, salt, sugar, and basic spices. These items can enhance the flavor and palatability of meals prepared from your emergency pantry.

Tips for rotating and managing food supplies to ensure freshness and readiness:

To maintain the freshness and readiness of your emergency pantry, it’s important to practice regular rotation and management.

  1. First in, first out: Adopt the “first in, first out” principle when using food from your emergency pantry. Place newer items at the back and use older items first to prevent expiration or spoilage.
  2. Regular inventory checks: Conduct regular checks of your emergency pantry to assess the quantity and condition of food items. Discard any expired or damaged items and replenish them with fresh supplies.
  3. Keep track of expiration dates: Stay vigilant about monitoring expiration dates on food items and ensure you consume or replace them before they expire.

Building a well-stocked pantry for emergencies is a vital aspect of preparedness. By recognizing the importance of having an adequate supply of non-perishable food and clean water, and following guidance on building a well-rounded emergency pantry with nutritious options, you can ensure your family’s well-being during unexpected situations. Remember to regularly rotate and manage your food supplies to maintain freshness and readiness. With a well-prepared pantry, you can face any emergency situation with confidence, knowing that you have the necessary nutrition to sustain your family.