Winter Power Outages

The snow and ice storm that shut down the state in February 2021 was one of the worst in decades and caught everyone off guard. “The storm’s “severity and its reach across the whole state of Texas and the length of it did catch lots of us all by surprise, myself included,” said Monty C. Dozier, director of the disaster assessment and recovery program at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. via:

How do you prepare for an extended power outage that includes life-threatening cold?

During an emergency, you need a reliable source of backup power that will last for days.

Not having a reliable source of backup power can be really dangerous during an emergency. When the grid is down, you need a backup plan that will keep you and your family safe and comfortable.

We have put together a comprehensive guide for Selecting a Home Generator along with a Generator Safety Guide. The information in this guide will equip you to make intelligent decisions before you purchase. Helping you understand your equipment with images and detailed instructions. If you’re in the market for an alternative power source please consult this guide as you consider your application. Use the button below to download your guide.

Just having an alternative power source isn’t enough. The issues are compounded as the temperatures drop to dangerous levels. Here are some lessons learned from the summer outage that are compounded in winter.

  • Only three houses had whole house generators – only one of them worked.
  • Remember your fridge food is probably good for 4-5 hours if NOT opened.
  • Take the down time to do something with loved ones.

Your generator will require fuel. This article about fuel storage for your vehicle, but the principles apply to your generator as well. You’re simply translating miles driven into hours of operation.

Note: It was this storm that caused me to get into readiness. With friends scattered all over the state, many of them caring for elderly parents or young children, and some with health conditions that would soon deteriorate without the necessary resources. I felt helpless! I stayed in touch but being 800 miles away there was little I could do. I kept thinking if “I had a network of friends that could help those who needed it.” AmCon is the network. When Thom shared with me the Vision, Mission and Values of AmCon I knew I had to be a part.

Weather will always be a force to be reckoned with. Having a ready plan is an absolute necessary.

Do YOU have a ready plan for the next power outage? Start YOUR Ready Plan and face life’s what-if moments with confidence!